domingo, 25 de mayo de 2014

The beginning of my rivalry with Smaug

Smaug entering to Gandalf´s house
While Gandalf was having breakfast in his wood house next to the peace forest, he knew that this was going to be a very important day. In that exact moment, Smaug walked into the room and said:"you won´t go to the Elves town", and Gandalf said: "who are you",  in that moment Smaug took Gandalf with his clawns, the wizard was feeling very weird because he did know that big dragon, so the wizard asked to the dragon, why are you kidnapping me, i don´t even know you, Smaug with strong voice said: " i know what you had been preparing with the elves", so Gandalf realized that the big dragon were taking him to the Volcano of Tatanora, and he began to searched a way to escaped.

Gandalf found that the dragon had a big scrap, the wizard hit quickly the dragon in the scrap, Smaug cried and dropped the wizard. Gandalf made a spell, and instantly appeared in the floor. Smaug very angry scream that he would find Gandalf. The wizard very scared began to  searched a place to hid, because Smaug was burning all the forest.
Gandalf under run of Smaug

 The wizard appeared  at bay by the  fire, Gandalf quickly made a spell  and the fire around him dissappeared. Smaug faster than an eagle hunting for prey, Smaug get off in the part that Gandalf made the spell, and said:" Where are you going", Gandalf very exhausted ran to a white horse that was grazing and  rode the white horse while Smaug was pursuing him. Gandalf stop and thought while he was seeing canyon:" i don´t have way to escape".

Gandalf  fighting against Smaug
When all the hope seemed to be lost, Clylond, Erlond´s father, appeared with a legion of elves that with their magics swords and bows defend Gandalf from Smaug. Everything seemed to be finished, when the sky turned to purple, and a strong storm start, at that moment, Smaug appeared, and with a backlash knocked down everyone excepted Gandalf and claylond. Claylon showed to Gandalf the powerful sword that both of them were suppose to forge together. Gandalf  and Claylond fought with all their strenght but Smaug was beating them. When both of them seemed to be defeated, 
Gandalf told to Claylond:"is an honor to die by your side", Claylond looked him with a smile, he took out the powerful sword, and at that moment a thunder fell above Smaug, causing the dragon leaved.

Gandalf and Claylond helped the elves that were wounded by Smaug. After everyone were saved, Claylond gave to Gandalf the sword which Claylond uyse to defeated the dragon, and told him:"take care of this sword, it should not fall into wrongs hands", Gandalf answered him:" i´m going to protected it with my life".
Gandalf arriving to the Valley of the elves with the legion  of elves and with Claylond

lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014

Gandalf, the wise man

"true courage is knowing not how to take a life, but when to spare it"

The effort of Gandalf  trying to make Bilbo a better person, a better fighter and a better adventurous, makes Gandalf  told to Bilbo one of his most wiser phrases. This act is cause of the good relationship that Gandalf has had with the family of Bilbo Bolson, for the example the relationship that Gandalf had with the Old Tuk, the Grandfather of Bilbo, they were buddy-buddy, they had a lot of adventures together.

Gandalf defending Bilbo from the jokes of Thorin
In my opinion, Gandalf in the book is like a father trying to protect and save Bilbo, but also trying to make him pass a good adventure,  the way Gandalf defend him from the joke of the dwarves, also in the part when the Gandalf and the dwarves got out of the cave of the Trasgos, before Bilbo gots out behind the trees, Gandalf asked with preoccupation where was Bilbo, and many others act that make sure the big relationshipthat Gandalf had with Bilbo without knowing each other very good .

Bilbo taking the sword that Gandalf gave to him
In my opinion,  the reason why Gandalf  gave that advice to  Bilbo was to gave him a lesson of how good can be an adventure forgiving lives instead of   taking  lives. In conclusion, the dearness that Gandalf had with Bilbo in the journey is not compared with dearnees that Gandalf had with the dwarves,  verified by the differents dearness action in the differents moments of the book that Gandalf had with Bilbo

Bilbo forgiving Thorin for all offense

Other character in which Gandalf had a good relationship was with Thorin, not with standing the arrogance of Thorin, Gandalf always was worried of him, and like a good friend, Gandalf tried to make Thorin more humble, Gandalf also tried to take out the bad blood that Thorin had against the elves,  and the hatred Thorin
had against Bilbo, the hobbit,  and almost in the final of the book Thorin changed his character radically, and began to had a good relationship with Bilbo Bolson.

Gandalf enduring the arrogance charater of Thorin
The good relationship that Gandalf had with Thorin, in my opinion, also was because Gandalf to manyadventures with the Grandfather and with the father of Thorin, That was what made Gandalf to had respect, that was what make Gandalf did not humilliate Thorin by his arrogance.

The king of the Trasgos, the new enemy of Gandalf
Did Gandalf has enemies ?. Other important point, in my opinion, Gandalf did not has enemies, the uniques characters in the book that had enemies were the dwarves, but when Gandalf decide to help the dwarves he began to had the same enemies of the dwarves.

jueves, 15 de mayo de 2014

Entrance to a magical world

" Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether i want it or not; or that you feel good on this morning;or that this is a morning to be good be on?" "Gandalf"

 The physical aspects and the attire of Gandalf are the same of  all wizard, he is not skinny neither fat, he has a normal weight, he has a long, curly and grey hair, very common in the wizard, he also has a big nose, a large and grey beard, in my opinion, that large and grey beard makes him look like a powerful wizard,  and his feet and hands are big, makes him in my opinion look like a very strong person.  His attire is the same as a common wizard, like a wizard hat, he also has a big and large robe,in my opinion a very large robe is very unconfortable at the time to run or fight, he has big shoes and his staff that he can not miss, but  i don´t know where does Gandalf save his staff.


When Gandalf and the dwarves were about to begin the journey

His  attraction to the danger and to the adventure makes this character  very peculiar, this is one of his characteristics, also his character in a journey makes it pleasant. He makes the danger looks like simple problem with a  simple solution. His adventurous spirit make others enjoy and feel saved in the journey.

When the dwarves, Gandalf and Bilbo were in danger by the rocks titans
  His role on this book is to make everybody enjoy the journey,  to protect the dwarfs and the hobbit, he is the support of the group, he is the guide in that journey. He knows when and how to give a tip to raise the spirit of Bilbo and the calm of the dwarfs.

When the dwarves and the hobbit were about to be ate by the trolls

One of the character of Gandalf was the confidence with everyone, especially with Bilbo, although Bilbo did not know how to use a sword, Gandalf put Bilbo has a looter, although Bilbo had never steal a gold coin, this is because Bilbo had a rich and comfortable live.
In my opinion, other of the character that Gandalf had was the  pacient  with Thorin´s foolish character, thanks the Gandalf pacient the dwarves had not died by the ambush of the orcs.
In my opinion, other of his important character of Gandalf is the cunning, show it in the fight with the trolls, when he confused the trolls, talking as a troll he saved his friends of being  crushed and ate.

that is what i´m talking about
I think that the last and most important character of Gandalf is that he don´t make an adventure easy, that means that he don´t makes at every moments spell, i think that his frecuently self protection is the swords, that makes the history more interesting,